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The Historyscoper's World News Blog

Monday, January 21, 2013

Vietnam Between China and the U.S.


1 comment:

  1. My reply:

    Yes, to be Vietnamese is to NOT BE CHINESE. They fought China off for a thousand years, only to see the French move in and colonialize it, while the U.S. did nothing.

    Anybody who knows Vietnamese-Chinese history should realize the colossal mistake the U.S. made in throwing He Who Enlightens (Ho Chi Minh) into the arms of Mao, who played us for suckers and got us to split Vietnam in two then back one side while they backed the other, so that only Mao won in the end, because it weakened Vietnam against him. We should have realized that "international Communism" was a boogey man, that Ho was Vietnamese first and Communist second, and could have been our best ally in Indochina against China, and if we wanted U.S. soldiers to die there, it should have been shoulder to shoulder with the Vietnamese against the Chinese.

    The Vietnamese were mainly dirt poor peasants in the Stone Age, so the fancy rhetoric about Communism vs. Capitalism went over their heads. They didn't have any capital to start with, so why should they care? Instead, what were those giant overfed Yankees doing invading their homeland? The peasants' hearts and minds could never be won, even if we committed no atrocities.

    It was mainly wise and well-read Ho who took the time to study our history. When WWII ended, Ho declared Vietnam independent, and told the Frogs, Japanese, and nationalist Chinese to get out, sending a message to Pres. Truman to help him, and reading the Declaration of Independence to his followers in Hanoi, who cheered, and were mystically overflown by a U.S. plane, which they also cheered. Truman snubbed him, and the U.S. gave the French $2B to oust Ho, which backfired when Mao took over China and backed him up. The rest is one mistake of the stupid Yankees after another, all big Vs for Mao, who was happily thumping his Sun Tzu, especially the part that says if you don't know your enemy you lost the war before you started.

    Despite 1 million killed and Ho long gone, replaced by traitor China puppets, this is still the only right strategy for the U.S., unless we want it to become the new Tibet. We need to somehow bridge over the lakes of blood and make Vietnam our ally and back it up against China. This time we should ally with a united and independent Vietnam, not act as redcoats and Hessians trying to split it in two, which went against everything we stand for, and put us in the position of fighting Vietnam's George Washington. The U.S. and Vietnam are natural allies, and should have never become enemies. The DOI can still be our common starting point. Vietnam wants to be independent of China, of us, of Moscow, everybody. With our help it can become the next Japan. Once they have some capital the common people won't let Commie dictators confiscate it, so the Red herring was an illusion.

    Alas, who can replace Ho now? We lost 3 quarters of the football game with China already, and have to win it all in the 4th quarter or risk losing it all.

    My study of history leads me to fears of a massive buildup of Chinese naval power as a prelude to a massive invasion of North America, with Vietnam being a key staging point. All because Truman and ike didn't have the good sense to invite Ho to the White House and recite the Declaration of Independence together, give him a pass on the Commie thing, and go from there.

    Take the Historyscoper's free online course on the history of the Vietnam War anytime.
